A Non-Surgical Solution For Periodontal Disease

When you develop periodontal disease, this could lead to discomfort and even the risk of tooth loss. Our team can offer treatment to address gum disease and manage it, safeguarding your smile. At your Dallas, TX dental practice, our team can provide a nonsurgical solution with a scaling and root planing.

The Signs Your Gums Need Treatment

How do you know if you need to see our team for periodontal treatment? When you experience changes in your gums, this could be a sign that you need treatment to prevent or manage gum disease, so you avoid complications like discomfort and even tooth loss. When your tissues appear redder than usual or feel sore, and bleed easily, this could mean gingivitis, or gum inflammation. Lack of treatment could mean the onset of periodontal disease, which cannot be cured but instead needs care to manage it and safeguard the stability of your smile in the process. When you develop the disease, the symptoms could persist, and be accompanied by receding tissues too. Don’t ignore changes to your gums, as these tissues frame your smile and keep your teeth in place. Instead, talk to our team right away about possible treatment options!

Scaling and Root Planing

We will begin by carefully examining your smile with advanced imaging technology, so we can understand the cause and assess the severity of your periodontal health. We can then create a treatment plan to bring relief. In addition to surgery and advanced laser technology to address more severe cases, we can offer a more minor procedure for the early stages, one that can make your disease more manageable with simple preventive care moving forward.

A scaling and root planing, also known as a deep cleaning, is a procedure that involves the use of an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool to gently break up buildup and remove it from their smile quickly and comfortably. We also smooth out the roots and remove buildup and bacterial deposits from beneath the gum tissues. Since this is a more involved treatment, we will administer a local numbing agent. This could take one visit, or up four, depending on the severity. We then polish your smile to make it more difficult for buildup to cling to the teeth in between your cleaning visits.

If you have any questions about our approach to periodontal treatment, then contact our team today. We’re ready to help you enjoy better oral health and keep your smile whole and beautiful in the process!

Talk To Our Dallas, TX Dentist About Periodontal Treatment

With scaling and root planing, we can help improve your smile’s health and strength. To learn more about our periodontal treatment options, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!

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