Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Any healthy person who has reached mature bone growth could qualify for dental implants. Whether or not this procedure is right for you can easily be answered with a consultation about dental implants in your Highland Park TX dental office.

If you are missing one or more teeth, and seek the permanency not available with a partial or denture, dental implants are a perfect option.

The process of a dental implant is initiated with a very thorough dental exam to make sure your dental health can sustain the implant. A medical evaluation is also conducted to ensure you are healthy enough for this procedure.

Once it has been determined that you qualify for a dental implant, quite often the implant procedure is completed by a periodontist. A periodontist, by definition, is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. With three additional years of training, a periodontist is also skilled in the placement of dental implants.

A dental implant is a device that resembles a small screw. It is made of titanium or a similar metal that gives it the strength and stability to stand up to a lifetime of chewing, speaking and laughing. The implant is placed in gum tissue where it will graft to the bone to act much like the root of your natural tooth. The implant will be covered with a temporary restoration to protect it during the healing process.

During this time, it is imperative to take special care of your implant. This consists primarily of brushing and flossing. If you use tobacco products of any type, your implant specialist will advise you to quit. Smoking is the number one reason that a dental implant fails, so quitting before starting this procedure is essential for its success.

The healing process can take anywhere from four to six months. Once uncovered, your periodontist will make sure the implant has grafted to your bone before proceeding with the next step.

Your final restoration will be made to match the shape and shade of your natural, permanent teeth. Once completed, your dental implant will provide you with strength, stability, and the enjoyment of living with a permanent tooth.

Your implant will look so natural, no one will know it is not your own tooth. And since the implant does become a permanent part of your dental anatomy, it is important to maintain excellent hygienic care of your implant and visit your dentist twice per year for a professional cleaning and exam.

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