Sensitive Teeth: What could be the cause?

Patients who deal with tooth sensitivity usually experience an unpleasant “zinging” sensation when teeth are exposed to sweet, cold or hot foods and beverages. Although there can be many reasons for this dental discomfort, quite often the onset of gum disease is of primary concern. Causes can include: Brushing with too firm a tooth brush… Continue reading Sensitive Teeth: What could be the cause?

Categorized as gum disease

The Connection Between Gum Disease and Diabetes

Research has consistently shown a correlation between gum disease and diabetes. In fact, periodontal disease is actually included on the list of complications associated with diabetes. The exact mechanism is unknown, but experts suspect that diabetics are more likely to have periodontal disease because they are more susceptible to inflammation and infections than people without… Continue reading The Connection Between Gum Disease and Diabetes

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