Cosmetic Treatment For Periodontal Concerns

When you show off too much gum when you smile, or if changes to your bone and periodontal tissues due to tooth loss have occurred, then our team can help. We understand the importance of a beautiful smile, and we want to make sure your smile is not only stronger and healthier following treatment, but more attractive too. With cosmetic periodontal surgery, we can offer a more attractive smile in only one visit. At our periodontal office, in Dallas, TX, we can transform your smile and improve your gum health!

Treating Gummy Smiles

When you have a gummy smile, this means you display excess amounts of gum tissue when you smile. This could cause embarrassment, and also make your teeth appear smaller than normal or uneven. Our team can conduct a crown lengthening procedure to remove the excess tissue covering the teeth. We reshape the gum line to improve symmetry and ensure optimal results, so your smile is more attractive. You enjoy improved esthetics in a single visit! We could also use the procedure as part of the treatment for periodontal disease, so we can remove diseased tissues and allow healthy ones to reattach to the teeth and make the disease more manageable moving forward, protecting your smile from painful symptoms and tooth loss. We could also complete a soft tissue graft, in which we correct gingival recession by covering exposed tooth roots. Doing so protects the smile from gum disease, but also tooth decay and dental infection too.

Addressing the Impact of Tooth Loss

When you suffer from tooth loss, this could cause the jawbone structure to gradually break down. This recession means your risk of further tooth loss and a prematurely aged appearance. Even when the missing teeth are replaced with dental implants, the impact of the weakened tissues could mean the teeth appear long, and that spaces from between and under your new teeth. To help recapture the original look of your smile, we could conduct bone and tissue grafting, to strengthen the jaw ridge and improve the appearance of your smile, and also your smile’s durability. Your new teeth will look more natural and your smile more esthetically pleasing.

If you have any questions about how we correct the impacts of gum disease and tooth loss to offer more cosmetic results, then contact our team today to learn more. We look forward to helping patients in Dallas, TX, obtain stronger and healthier smiles, with results that make them feel confident!

Managing Your Periodontal Concerns In Dallas, TX

Our team wants to help you correct the smile imperfections related to tooth loss or excess gingival tissues. For more information on cosmetic periodontal surgery, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!


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