Gum Disease: Not A Normal Part of Aging

Contrary to popular belief, gum disease is a deviation from the natural aging process and a visit to the periodontist will let you know if treatment is in order. Symptoms of this infection include bleeding or receding gums, sensitive teeth or painful chewing and bad breath that doesn’t go away. More advanced or extreme cases can include loose teeth and even tooth loss. Each individual case is different and there are multiple treatment options available depending on the severity of the infection.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planning is basically a deep cleaning procedure used to treat gum disease in its relatively early stages. It involves the use of manual and ultrasonic instruments to clean plaque and tarter from around and under the gum line. It cleans deep down into the pockets and the root surfaces. Once these areas are cleaned, the tooth’s roots are smoothed out to help prevent future accumulation. This treatment often takes more than one visit to complete.

Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure

Laser-assisted new attachment procedure, often referred to as LANAP, is often performed on patients with moderate to severe gum disease. This is a less invasive procedure in which a laser with a thin optic fiber is utilized to selectively remove diseased or infected tissue while cleaning below the gum line. Periodontists often prefer this regenerative treatment because it is comfortable for the patient and it promotes the healing process.

Gum Graft

There are different types of gum graft procedures and they are all performed at different stages of gum disease. The goal of gum grafting is to reverse gum recession and thicken gum tissue at the root of the tooth. The procedure itself is typically performed in a single visit but follow-up visits are necessary for the periodontist to supervise the healing process.

If you have experienced any of the symptoms of gum disease, make an appointment at Park Cities Periodontics & Implant Dentistry today. Our experienced, compassionate staff will help you explore your treatment options for a happy, healthy smile.

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