Sedation Dentistry: Will I Remember Anything?

 sedation dentistry DallasIf anxiety and fear have prevented you from seeking professional dental care, sedation dentistry offers a number of options designed to promote relaxation and comfort. According to your particular level of apprehension, your periodontist can recommend the form of sedation that will be most appropriate for you.

Safe and commonly prescribed medications, general anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and local anesthesia are widely accepted methods of sedation. When these methods are combined with the expertise of a talented and compassionate periodontist, you may find that you can relax enough to have your treatment completed.

Depending upon the type and degree of sedation, many patients find that they can enjoy a peaceful nap during the dental visit. Some patients may choose to listen to music or simply close their eyes and let their thoughts drift. For many patients, though you will remain conscious, there will be little memory of the procedure at all.

In preparation for your visit, the details of the procedure will be discussed prior to the administration of the sedative. This will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and consent to the proposed treatment. The dental team will help you to prepare by explaining what you will be feeling both during and after your visit.

The need for sedation during dental treatment is extremely personal and individualized. For many patients, anxiety, fear, or stress is difficult to overcome without medication or sedation. Perhaps you have had an unpleasant dental experience in the past. Maybe you tend to become restless during lengthy procedures. Sedation is even an alternative for patients who have a strong gag reflex or patients who may feel too tense to relax on their own.

With sedation dentistry, you can expect to enjoy a fast onset once the medication has been administered, resulting in a higher level of relaxation. You’ll be able to finally put your mind at ease with the knowledge that you have chosen a safe and trusted method that will enable you to complete your recommended dental treatment.

If you are nervous or anxious about dental treatment, you may want to consider sedation dentistry. To learn more about this option, schedule a professional consultation with Dr. Beth Tomlin by calling our office in Dallas TX today!

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