Why Do My Gums Hurt?

Sore, bleeding and swollen gums are all signs of problems concerning your oral cavity. This condition is called gingivitis and it typically affects people who are pregnant, have diabetes and those individuals with poor oral hygiene.  

Gingivitis is the leading precursor to tooth loss and gum recession.

When plaque builds up and is not removed, this gives bacteria entry to your gingival sulcus, which is the area where the gums and teeth meet. The plaque will seep into the sulcular cavity and harden. This makes it easy for anaerobic bacteria to colonize the area and thrive in it. Bacteria will spawn there and produce acidic byproducts which can cause carious lesions if it is not removed. Painful gums are a sign that you should visit your periodontist in Highland Park.

Gingivitis is the leading precursor to tooth loss and gum recession. Failure to get proper treatment will result in periodontal problems that can affect even the innermost structures like the periodontal ligaments and pulp chamber of the teeth. Your best defense is to receive proper tooth debridement on a regular basis. People with major calcular deposits will require scaling and polishing. This is a subgingival procedure wherein the periodontist has to scale hardened deposits found in the gingival sulcus to ensure the vitality of the gums or gingiva. If the gumline of the patient is receeded, a graft can be performed to prevent root exposure.

Individuals who are pregnant and those who have diabetes need to be meticulous where oral hygiene is concerned because they are at increased risk of developing gingivitis. Studies show that expectant mothers who have gingival problems are most likely to experience pre-term labor and have still-born children. Diabetics on the other hand, need to control their periodontal problems because there is a link between plaque build-up and an increase in blood sugar levels.

Give your sore gums some tender, loving care by visiting Dr. Beth Tomlin, your periodontist serving Highland Park, today!

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