Your Comfort Is A Priority In Our Office

Some patients may have qualms about getting treatment at the periodontist, especially if they are experiencing advanced gum disease that requires an invasive intervention. If these fears cause patients to postpone treatment, symptoms will become more severe and harder to treat. Fortunately, our practice prioritizes your comfort by using sedation dentistry.

A periodontist who provides sedation will administer medications to help a patient achieve a state of deep relaxation. Patients may have different options for the sedation, such as nitrous oxide, which can be inhaled for a nearly instantaneous effect. Other anti-anxiety drugs can also be used for conscious sedation, which is generally considered to be safer than general anesthesia.

When the patient remains conscious throughout the appointment, he or she will be able to respond to the commands from the periodontist. Additionally, the airway remains open and does not need to be artificially maintained.

In addition to relaxing the patient during the appointment, the sedative medications will leave the patient with no memory of the procedure. Therefore, you’ll have no recollection of the experience to reinforce any dental fear that you may have.

Depending on the method of sedation you choose, you may need to prepare in advance of the appointment. For example, you may need to take a pill ahead of time or fast before the appointment. Additionally, if the sedative’s effects will not be completely reversed by the time you leave our office, you’ll need to make arrangements to have a responsible adult escort you home.

With nitrous oxide, however, no advance preparations are necessary, as this can be administered at the office and does not require fasting. Additionally, it wears off very quickly, so you may not need to have someone take you home. Check with your provider about this.

We want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible while you are under our care. If sedation dentistry will help us to achieve that goal and connect you with the treatment that you need, let us know. We are happy to accommodate your needs. Talk to one of our friendly staff members to get more information on this treatment option.

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