Consequences of Tooth Loss

During our childhood, tooth loss is a normal occurrence. The baby teeth become loose and fall out, and they are later replaced by a full set of adult teeth. As we enter adulthood, losing a tooth is not such a joyous occasion, and it is typically the result of an injury, tooth decay or gum disease. Unfortunately, these teeth will never regrow, and your ability to chew food and maintain your health is compromised significantly.

For previous generations, tooth loss was considered a normal part of the aging process. For today’s generations, there are options for replacing missing teeth (such as dental implants), and there is a greater emphasis to protect your oral health in order to keep your natural teeth for the duration of your lifetime. 

Even the loss of just one natural tooth can have numerous consequences on your physical health as well as your emotional health and social interactions.

Even the loss of just one natural tooth can have numerous consequences on your physical health as well as your emotional health and social interactions. There is a high probability that life with missing teeth will include one or more of the following challenges:

  • Altered speech pattern.
  • Inability to chew certain foods.
  • Social embarrassment and insecurity in public.
  • Anxiety and self-consciousness when eating, speaking, or smiling.
  • Dysfunction of the jaw joint and related muscles.
  • Excessive force and stress on the remaining teeth.
  • Shifting and tilting of the remaining teeth due to lack of support.
  • Nutrition and digestion problems.

If you are missing one or more natural teeth, or if you are planning to have a tooth extracted, several reasonable and effective solutions for replacement are available. Whether you select dental implants or another alternative, it is important that you replace your missing teeth as soon as possible to avoid some of the devastating consequences of tooth loss.

You should discuss these options with your periodontist to learn more about your options. During your evaluation, you will find that there is a solution that is perfect for you, and you’ll learn that it is never too late to replace your missing teeth. Contact the office of Dr. Beth Tomlin at 214-949-1836 to schedule your visit today.

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