Managing Periodontal Disease With Scaling And Root Planing

When you begin to exhibit the warning signs of periodontal disease, you need treatments to manage the disease and protect you from the later stages, which are linked to adult tooth loss. Our team can help make your disease manageable with a deep cleaning. At your Dallas, TX dental practice, we can safeguard your smile with a scaling and root planing.

The Warning Signs of Gum Disease

When should you contact us about your periodontal health? Our team recommends a visit when you notice changes to your smile, such as gums that appear redder than usual, feel sore, or bleed easily. If your tissues begin to recede, which makes your teeth appear longer, this is also a cause for concern. Otherwise, you risk the disease growing more severe and reaching the periodontitis stage, the stage linked to tooth decay, infection, and even tooth loss. You may need a scaling and root planing to safeguard your smile.

The Deep Cleaning

To begin, our team will numb your smile so you’re comfortable as we remove buildup from both the teeth and roots, destroying pockets of harmful bacteria too. Our team will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick to gently and thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth and from the roots as well, including beneath the gum line. The process is more involved than a traditional dental cleaning, and could take one visit or up to four, depending on the severity of your buildup. We then polish your teeth to make it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the surfaces of your teeth. This also brightens your smile too!

Protecting Your Oral Health  

Following the deep cleaning, we will recommend traditional dental cleanings every three to four months to remove buildup and manage your gum disease, so you avoid periodontitis and preserve the beauty of your smile too. We will also discuss good home hygiene habits, such as proper brushing and flossing, a healthy diet, and other factors that can safeguard your teeth and gums and keep your smile whole. If you have any questions about how we manage and prevent issues like periodontal disease, or if you have symptoms that need attention, then please reach out to our team today to learn more. We want to help you keep your smile whole and healthy for years to come.

Speak With Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Deep Cleanings

Our team wants to help you smile with confidence and avoid the impacts of periodontal disease! To learn more about our scaling and root planing procedure, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!


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