Managing Your Gum Disease With Laser Therapy

Periodontal disease can impact half of adults over the age of 30, and once it reaches the advanced stage, this could cause adult tooth loss. But to manage the issue and correct unsightly recession, we can help with advanced laser therapy. At your Dallas, TX dental practice, we can preserve and protect your smile with the LANAP protocol.

The Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease

When we develop gum disease, we could experience sore, red gums that bleed easily, as well as recession or swelling. As these symptoms grow in severity, the risk of the advanced stage of the disease, known as periodontitis, increases as well. With it comes further discomfort and the risk of adult tooth loss. Which is why treatment for the disease is so important, and why you should contact our team at the first sign of changes to your gums. We have an array of treatment options, and with the Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), we can help treat the issue and prevent recession.

The LANAP Procedure

This advanced treatment options employs dental laser to not only treat periodontal disease, but to encourage new tissue growth and reduce the depth of periodontal pockets, so we can more easily manage the disease moving forward with preventive and holistic treatments, such as cleanings, supportive periodontal maintenance, or even mediations and ozone therapy. The treatment uses a thin flexible fiber that then emits the laser energy. We place this in the periodontal pocket, so it can destroy harmful oral bacteria and also remove unhealthy tissues from your gums as well. This does so without damaging healthy tissues, and without the need for scalpels or sutures at all. After we remove the tissues, we clean the teeth and use a different setting to encourage blood clotting and allow the treated area to seal and for healthy tissues to attach to the teeth.

Protecting Your Gum Health

After we treat the issue, you will need to rest for about 24 to 48 hours while the area heals. The lasers reduce the risk of bleeding, infection, and swelling too. We will then talk about preventive visits every three to four months to manage the issue and prevent the need for major treatments down the road, keeping your smile healthy and whole for years to come. If you have symptoms like we described above, then please reach out to our team today to talk about treatment and protect the health and stability of your smile for years to come!

Speak With Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Treatment Technology

We want to employ advanced technology to help manage periodontal concerns! To learn more about treating gums with advanced dental laser technology, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!


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