Regaining Your Confidence With Dental Implants

Losing one of your teeth is a sudden disruption that no one looks forward to. Whether from physical trauma, severe decay, or gum disease, dental loss’s impact goes beyond the aesthetics of your smile. You may discover your voice changing as you lose the ability to articulate certain sounds. You may remove certain foods from your diet to avoid injuring your tooth’s open socket. Left untreated, your bite can misalign as teeth begin to shift out of position. Fortunately, a dental implant can restore your smile with a prosthetic held securely in your jawbone.

At your Dallas, TX dental practice, we understand the difficulty of adjusting to life after losing a tooth. This is why we offer prosthodontic options to restore your smile and bite. By addressing the impact of tooth loss, we can help prevent additional losses by preventing your alignment from coming out of position.

The Impact Of Losing A Tooth

Your bite works best when all of your teeth properly align to deliver an appropriate amount of force to each tooth. Losing a single member can cause remaining neighbors to take one more than they can chew. The additional force can physically wear down the protective enamel layer of your tooth, leading to a higher risk for gum disease and tooth decay. This means that failing to replace a missing tooth could cause the remaining teeth to decay or contribute to the primary cause of dental loss; gum disease.

Placing Your Prosthodontic Replacement

When you visit our office, we can inspect your mouth to determine if your jaw is healthy enough for an implant. By inserting a titanium post directly through your socket into the bone, your oral tissues fuse securely to hold it in place for years to come. The biocompatible nature of the implant post means you need not worry about rejecting your restoration. After healing from placement, we can attach a dental crown to an abutment above your gumline to complete your prosthetic.

Receiving A Bone Graft

If your jaw is not dense enough for an implant, we could perform a bone grafting procedure to increase your chances for placement. By lifting your gum tissue to expose the bone, we can fill it with donor material to build up the bone ridge. By evaluating your specific case of bone loss, we can discuss your options for graft materials to regenerate your tissue.

Speak With Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Restoring Your Missing Tooth

Losing one of your teeth does not have to leave a permanent gap in your smile. By exploring prosthodontic replacement options, you can restore your grin and enjoy a healthy bite once again! To learn more about dental implants, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!


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