Treating Gum Recession With Tissue Grafting

When you have periodontal disease, this could lead to a number of serious complications without treatment, such as gum recession. To improve the beauty of your smile and prevent the complications of receding gums, we can help with tissue grafting. At your Dallas, TX dental practice, we can offer optimal oral health and smile beauty with gum grafting!

The Factors Behind Receding Gums

Our gums could recede due to several factors, including brushing too hard using a toothbrush with hard bristles. But often, the issue is related to periodontal disease, a serious issue that can impact half of adults ages 30 and older. The disease can cause the tissues to pull away from the teeth and recede, which makes the teeth appear longer. This also exposes vulnerable portions of the root structure, so the teeth are more likely to develop decay or even infection in the months to come. Tooth sensitivity when you eat or drink items that are hot or cold is common too. The disease could also be approaching the periodontitis stage, which is linked to adult tooth loss. Don’t let your poor gum health cause problems for your smile’s ability, seek treatment right away.

Treatment with Grafting

Our team will begin with a detailed examination, in which our team will assess the severity of the disease and any underlying factors, so we can offer care to manage the disease and prevent further recession from occurring. We then move forward with the soft tissue graft, in which we take tissues from your palate or donor sources and use them to cover the exposed portions of the teeth, reshaping the gum line and improving symmetry in the process. Your smile is more attractive, less vulnerable to advanced periodontitis, and is free of excess sensitivity. The gum graft procedure offers better oral health and a smile that makes you feel confident!

Preventive Periodontal Treatments

What happens next? Periodontal disease cannot be cured, but care to manage it can prevent the later stages that cause recession and threaten smile stability. We may recommend Supportive Periodontal Maintenance every three of four months to remove harmful buildup of plaque and tartar, which helps us better manage the disease. We then polish the teeth to make it more difficult for plaque and tartar to form on the surfaces of your teeth. If you have any questions about how we restore receding tissues with soft tissue gum grafts, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Gum Grafts

We want to help you maintain the health and beauty of your smile! To learn more about improving the health and beauty of your smile, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!


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