Improving Smile Beauty With A Gingivectomy

Do you have a smile that displays excessive amounts of gum tissues? Known as a gummy smile, this can lead to issues with the appearance of your teeth. But with a gingivectomy, our team can reshape the gum line and gently remove these excess tissues. At your Dallas, TX dental practice, our team can offer a stunning smile, often in just one visit!

The Impact of a Gummy Smile

When you have too much gingival tissue on display, this could make your gums appear swollen, or make teeth look shorter or uneven. These esthetic concerns can impact the appearance of your smile, and could be the result of the development of your smile. Other factors include the height of the underlying jawbone or even inflammation caused by periodontal disease. In some cases, certain medications could cause this swelling appearance, which could last even after you’re done taking said medications.

You shouldn’t ignore these concerns or resign yourself to hiding your smile from the world. Instead, consider a gingivectomy, also known as gum contouring, to improve the overall health and beauty of your smile in a single visit!

The Contouring Process

Our team will carefully examine your smile to assess the cause of your swelling tissues. We then plan the procedure in detail, and will carefully mark the tissues that need to be removed and adjusted. With dental lasers, we will gently trim away these excess tissues and reshape the gum line to ensure optimal symmetry and appearance. The procedure could be cosmetic in nature, or necessary to fight gum disease and protect the stability of your smile.

What Happens Next?

Our team will ensure your comfort with a local anesthetic to the areas being treated. Using dental lasers means we can trim away the tissues with precision and prevent damage to healthy ones. Lasers also reduce the risk of bleeding, swelling, and soreness, and don’t require the use of sutures afterward. Lack of sutures means the area heals much quicker. You may experience some tenderness afterward, we can prescribe medication to help manage this discomfort as your smile heals. You may be able to return to your normal routine within 24 to 48 hours of the procedure. We will then schedule a follow-up visit a week later.

If you have any questions about how we conduct a gingivectomy and how this can improve the health and beauty of your smile, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Periodontal Treatments

Our team wants you to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile, which is why we offer cosmetic treatment options. To learn more about cosmetic and periodontal treatment options, call Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry in Dallas, TX at (214)522-9700!


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