If you have experienced periodontal disease, gum surgery might be recommended. The surgery will often be followed by a periodontal dressing, or soft packing of the site to protect the area and stimulate the healing process. Whether or not you receive oral sutures, follow up visits to the periodontist will be necessary to monitor the healing process.
Things To Avoid
Avoid smoking at all costs because it hampers the healing process and can cause many complications. You should also avoid using a straw and most strenuous physical activity for at least five days after your procedure. This includes going to the gym, participating in sports and lifting heavy objects. You will also want to avoid hard or sticky foods.
Follow all directions given by the periodontist and take medications with a full glass of water. If you experience nausea, itching or any type of rash while taking your medications you should discontinue use and contact our office immediately.
Bleeding and Swelling
A minimal amount of oozing is normal in the first twenty-four hours after surgery. If you experience bleeding, it is best to gently rinse with cold water and apply light pressure with a wet tea bag. An ice pack may also be applied to the facial area near the surgery site to minimize swelling. Alternate ice in twenty-minute intervals for maximum effect.
Diet and Hygiene
A well-balanced diet will help aid in the healing process, but it should consist primarily of soft foods. Food supplements may help but it is necessary to avoid hard, crunchy foods like popcorn and apples. Foods such as eggs, mashed potato and jello are easily managed in the first few days.
Good oral hygiene is especially important during the healing process. Avoid disturbing the surgery site while caring for the rest of the mouth. Try letting water drain out of your mouth instead of spitting. If a medicated rinse was not prescribed, gentle rinsing with warm salt water can begin the day after surgery.
If you have questions about what to expect following gum surgery, contact our team at Park Cities Periodontics & Implant Dentistry.