After identifying a problem with your oral health, your dentist can recommend treatment that includes the placement of a permanent restoration. Restorations like fillings and crowns help when your tooth structure requires protection. For instance, you can require one after a cavity is treated, or after you experienced physical trauma that impacts your tooth. Unfortunately, there are times when that placement is complicated by another oral health matter. One concern is that you simply do not have the space for your restoration. If this is something you face, our Dallas, TX treatment facility can help. A functional crown lengthening safely reveals more of the tooth structure so that you can receive your crown and enjoy lasting protection!
A Limited Amount Of Tooth Structure Can Hurt Your Ability To Receive A Crown
If your dentist is not able to place a crown on your vulnerable tooth, they may be unable to proceed with care without performing an extraction. This means you both go through the process of having a tooth removed and need to undergo additional work to receive a prosthetic. Fortunately, there are times when additional work can be performed to prevent the need for this. Through functional crown lengthening, we can address concerns that you currently lack the available tooth structure to keep a crown in position.
Performing A Functional Crown Lengthening
A functional crown lengthening is a procedure that carefully removes excess gum and other surrounding tissues so that more of your tooth structure is visible and available for crown placement. The amount of tissue that we remove will depend on what your needs are and how much more tooth structure you require. Once the appropriate tooth structure is revealed through careful work, we will then stitch the gums back together as needed to encourage faster and easier healing.
More Periodontal Services That Can Improve Your Smile And Health
There are different times when periodontal treatments are necessary for the sake of preserving a person’s health and/or appearance. Sometimes, we can recommend consistent maintenance through scaling and root planing to stop bacteria buildup from harming your health and causing unsightly issues like gum recession and tooth loss. We also provide grafting services that deal with the recession of tissues that can occur for different reasons, including due to poor gum health.
Talk To Park Cities Periodontics And Implant Dentistry About Crown Lengthening!
A functional crown lengthening can make the restoration of your tooth with a durable and lifelike crown possible. Because we offer this service, we can make it possible for you to have a tooth restored without having to have it removed and replaced! Our practice offers many advanced services that can help patients with concerns about their appearance and dental well-being; for more information, call our Dallas, TX treatment office today at (214) 522-9700.