How dental implants can reduce long-term dental costs

When pondering which tooth replacement method to choose, patients often give significant consideration to the costs involved. Those who fail to consider the long-term costs may ultimately choose a more expensive option, though. For example, dental implants have a higher initial price tag than other tooth replacement alternatives. However, the gap in costs narrows when…

Preserve Natural Teeth with Dental Implants

Patients who have already lost one tooth to decay or disease often have extra motivation to avoid further tooth loss. Because there are a number of options for replacing those missing teeth, patients should consider how effectively those various methods prevent damage to the remaining biological teeth. Dental implants, which essentially are artificial teeth roots,…

Do Dental Implants Require Special Care?

Since they became widely accepted more than 30 years ago, dental implants have been known for their impressive resemblance to natural teeth. They are attractive, highly functional, and low-maintenance. In light of those qualities, many patients mistakenly believe that these replacement teeth do not require special care. The truth is that implants require the very…

Dental Implants: Are there age requirements?

Dental implants are a popular treatment option when it comes to tooth restoration, and offer a number of benefits over other methods of reconstructive surgery, such as dentures and fixed bridge treatments. Dental implant treatment involves an implant dentist placing a small titanium rod directly into the patient’s gum tissue and this rod then fuses…

Options for Replacing a Single Tooth

In modern dentistry, there is a significant emphasis on the prevention of dental disease and the preservation of the natural teeth. Still, tooth loss is a common and sometimes an unavoidable reality for millions of patients each year. A large percentage of patients are born without one or more natural teeth as a result of…

Should I Replace A Missing Tooth?

With today’s high standards in dental care, the decision to replace a missing tooth is easier than ever. There is a wealth of research that supports the recommendation for replacing even a single missing tooth. For your chewing capacity, the stability of your remaining teeth, and your self-confidence, tooth replacement is crucial. It is exciting…