The long-term success of dental implants depends largely on the patient, as well as location of the implant and type. Patients who undergo dental implant surgery with an overall healthy physical condition, sufficient jawbone to support the implant, and healthy gum tissue generally have a high rate of success with little difficulty.
Smoking habits can lower the success rate, and patients are typically encouraged to quit smoking prior to implant surgery. Smoking and tobacco use damage teeth and contribute to receding gums. These behaviors can also increase risk of infection after implant surgery. The periodontist will discuss these risk factors during the consultation appointment and follow-up treatment planning appointments to help patients prepare for the best chance of success.
Patients who clench and grind their teeth, also known as bruxism, are often unaware of the severity of the issue as the behavior occurs frequently during sleep. Clenching and grinding the teeth can cause damage to the dental implants, especially in the early stages of healing. Patients with a history of bruxism may require a mouth guard be worn during sleep to reduce impact and damage from grinding.
Health factors including weakened immune systems can contribute to frequent infection, complicating the implant surgery and recovery process. Patients with diabetes and similar conditions are also among those with the lower implant success rates. In general, patients should strive for the absolute healthiest starting point before implant surgery, and diligent health and nutrition efforts following surgery to reduce infection and complication risks.
Treatment is most successful when provided by an experienced periodontist, using the best custom-made prosthetics for the crown or implant prosthetic piece, and when the patient is healthy with good oral hygiene and sufficient jawbone to support the dental implant. The more compliant patients are with treatment planning and follow-up care, the greater the potential for success.
For more information on dental implants and other treatment options, contact Park Cities Periodontics & Implant Dentistry at 214-949-1836 today.