Causes of Gum Recession

Gum recession is a common dental issue in which the gum tissue that surrounds the tooth erodes to the tooth’s root, exposing more of the tooth’s structure than is usual. Many people are unaware that their gums are undergoing recession, as the process is a gradual one and often goes unnoticed. Along with bleeding gums,…


Sedation Dentistry: Will I Remember Anything?

If anxiety and fear have prevented you from seeking professional dental care, sedation dentistry offers a number of options designed to promote relaxation and comfort. According to your particular level of apprehension, your periodontist can recommend the form of sedation that will be most appropriate for you. Safe and commonly prescribed medications, general anesthesia, nitrous…


Options for Replacing a Single Tooth

In modern dentistry, there is a significant emphasis on the prevention of dental disease and the preservation of the natural teeth. Still, tooth loss is a common and sometimes an unavoidable reality for millions of patients each year. A large percentage of patients are born without one or more natural teeth as a result of…


What to Expect After Dental Surgery

The prospect of dental surgery can be daunting enough without worrying about the effects you will experience afterward. If you work with your periodontist in advance to plan your aftercare following surgery, you will give yourself some peace of mind as you undergo the procedure. The periodontist will have several recommendations for a regimen that…


Tobacco Use and Your Oral Health

The surgeon general announced findings over forty years ago that smoking is hazardous to your health. Over four decades later, research has proven the findings that tobacco use is dangerous for general overall health. But if these warnings have not been sufficient enough to make you quit, maybe hearing what your periodontist says about the…


The Connection Between Gum Disease and Diabetes

Research has consistently shown a correlation between gum disease and diabetes. In fact, periodontal disease is actually included on the list of complications associated with diabetes. The exact mechanism is unknown, but experts suspect that diabetics are more likely to have periodontal disease because they are more susceptible to inflammation and infections than people without…


Should I Replace A Missing Tooth?

With today’s high standards in dental care, the decision to replace a missing tooth is easier than ever. There is a wealth of research that supports the recommendation for replacing even a single missing tooth. For your chewing capacity, the stability of your remaining teeth, and your self-confidence, tooth replacement is crucial. It is exciting…
